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off the way中文是什么意思

用"off the way"造句"off the way"怎么读"off the way" in a sentence


  • 远离正道


  • It pissed me off the way you said , " you ' re lame .
  • I was pissed off the way you left
  • But emma will get what she takes and then we can go off the way
  • A palgrave murphy boat was put off the ways at alexandra basin , the only launch that year
  • And we never thought this would take off the way it has , cause we were all doing other things as well
  • The technology of high - pressure sprinkling grouting can form a wall of preventing seepage in the foundation or dam and cut off the way of flowing
  • At north pieces of railway deck bridge at tongji university way , treasure it designs to be at new urban thingseses at backbone of city distance by yang way yang project treasure , the red line of road is 45 meters wide , ward off the way of urban backbone built once
  • ( 4 ) one row seepage wall , which is formed by sprinkling grouting method , is used to the xiacouba reservoir project for cutting off the way of seepage on the basis of the project condition and grouting test . the results testified that a sound effectiveness of preventing seepage could be attained by the application of the high - pressure sprinkling grouting technology if design paramenter is proper and the construction quality is controlled strictly
    根据工程要求、 _仁质条件及灌浆试验,本工程选用单排旋喷套接的方式形成防渗墙,实践证明,只要设计参数合理,施工过程严格控制,利用高压喷射灌浆技术可达到防渗、堵漏的目的。
用"off the way"造句  
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